About Us

Tickkiz aim is to create a more structured communication and reporting platform between

Teachers / Counsellors




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Our Vision

Tickkiz is recognized as the most scalable Social Learning and Behavior Management System, both locally and internationally. It is used to enhance learning in various communities and sectors.

Our core objective is to bridge the communication gap between Parents, Schools, Teachers, Counsellors and Students with Tickkiz Social Learning and behaviour management, monitoring and reporting system, by providing all the stakeholders with the data needed to make objective decisions when tackling students behaviours and accademic management.

— George Henry, CEO TICKKIZ LTD.

Our Approach

Messages - Tickkiz allows schools to send messages to parents on anyone school related either by the entire school, a specific class or a single student. Once a message is sent the parent will received an email, sms message and push notification message if they have the mobile app installed.

Tickkiz for parents allow viewing of student information via both mobile and web platform. Registering as a parent is simple and requires that the parent have a unique student code thats assigned to the student once they are created in the system. Parents will then receive real time notifications on their students behaviour, academic and other school related information thus ensuring that they are in the loop with their child’s affairs at school.

Behaviours - Each school, based on their rule book have the ability to create both positive and negative behaviours by simply entering the behaviour name, description and total number of accumulated points needed for the behaviour to automatically be applied to a student.

Counsellors - Each school can create any number of counsellors they so require, then they can attach a counsellor to a behaviour. Once this is done whenever a behaviour is applied to a student that a counsellor is attached to, the counsellor will get an email and sms notification alerting them that a student has been recommended to see him. The counsellor can then log into the Tickkiz system pull up the student record and view details of the logged behaviour and any past incidents this student may have been logged for. The counsellor can then document his findings on the student’s record in the system which makes future handling of that student much more meaningful.

Merits and Demerits points - Tickkiz Behavioural Management System comes with the ability to automatically assign merits and demerits points to a student based on the points defined when creating a behaviour or sanction. So if a behaviour is created and five merit points is assigned to that behaviour and then an award is created and the goal to reach this award is 15 merit points, once this behaviour is applied 3 or more time to the student they will automatically be recommended to receive that award because now their total merit points would have been greater than or equal to 15.

Tickkiz allow students to log in via web application and view their accademic results and standings, behaviours that has been assigned and merits or de merit points accumulated.

With our student module we ensure that students are kept in the loop at all times with how well they are performing at school.

Some Numerical Data


Schools Connected


Parents Connected


Students Registered


Counsellors Connected



George Henry


Wilbert Tomlinson


Dr. James Gibbs


David Stephens

Tickk iz

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